Episode 3 : “Nobody Wants To Work Anymore!”
The Planners attempt to manage the Fair’s Woman’s Building construction, and later confront a violent obstacle; Holmes deals with a spurned debt collector; Prendergast puts his power-play in motion; and Pitezel takes the first step in getting clean.
No Holmes Barred was written, directed, and produced by Daniel Ciarrocchi
Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Evan Kornblum
Episode 3 of No Holmes Barred, “Nobody Wants to Work Anymore,” stars:
Daniel Ciarrocchi as H.H. Holmes, Dirtboy, and McElroy
Sam Sessa as Burnham
Jenny Kessler as Bertha Palmer
Laura Doyle as Sophia Hayden
Dave Heilker as Olmsted
Matt Gall as Prendergast
Willy Landon as Sullivan, Newsboy 2
Steve Bortz as Hunt
Jacob DeNobel as Atwood, Pitezel
Robby Priego as Newsboy 1
and Evan Kornblum as Erickson
Additional credits: "Waiting for a Train" by Jimmie Rogers; "Door, Front, Opening, A.wav" by InspectorJ(www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org ; "Asking Questions" and "Horror Suspense" by Rafael Krux; Ambush at Rattlesnake Gulch by Brian Boyko; Horizon Flare by Alexander Nakarada